All of us have one thing in common and that’s the journey of life.
Everyone, at some point must deal with the twists and turns of change.
Some changes are anticipated while others come as a complete surprise.
Hello, I’m Julia Rich. For almost two decades, along with a great staff, I’ve lent a hand to people during times of change. I’ve helped my clients obtain top dollar for their cherished items at the time of sale and have been involved with real estate related clean move out projects that put millions in the hands of property’s owners.
Oh, and speaking of hands, the company is Julia’s Helping Hands.
Where we are needed
For some, it’s the realization that their home’s physical environment isn’t as free flowing and functional as it could be and put simply, out of control.
Professional organization is the area of our service where we passionately bring order to chaos.
Change of Life Status’s: Downsizing, Death, Divorce, Assisted Living
We believe the very things that we collect throughout our lives tell a story about us. Some turn to us when they realize it’s time to down size and they’re eager to find good homes for their personal collections and others, are in need to sell the contents of their homes and can still bring joy to others for years to come.
Re-homing possessions and receiving fair compensation which respects the history and dignity of when, how and where items were obtained and the years of loving care they received by their current owners are wrapped into the services we provide.
The JHH difference:
There are many companies that provide similar services. We know most of them and in fact, although they may be competitors, from time to time, they reach out to us for help and guidance.
However, and I emphatically make the point how we do what we do is what sets us apart. And it begins with respect. Respect for the situation, the family, the items themselves and the people who come to buy.
We understand that we are dealing with things that are filled with memories and when the time comes to downsize, de clutter or altogether sell belongings, it is with the upmost dignity and respect that we handle your most loved possessions.
Every step of the way we are paying respect to memories, feelings, emotions and people vulnerable in a time of transition.
Why We Are Needed:
No two families or homes are the same. They are unique. In addition, there are several moving parts that require highly detailed attention all the way throughout the process.
Estate Sales include activities such as item research, appraising, cleaning, merchandising, pricing, and advertising to all markets.
Most often, the work we do for our clients involves multiple family members.
We provide assurance to everyone from the very beginning, setting realistic expectations that proudly, most of the time, we exceed.
Having my firm as an independent voice helps families during the process.
I hope I was successful introducing you to our firm.
There are as many challenges as anyone can imagine but finding the best solution to your needs starts with a simple telephone call to my office.
I am looking forward to the opportunity to speak with you one on one, I’ll be happy to answer your questions. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Julia Rich